Friday, June 25, 2010

39 weeks...when do we get to meet her?

That is the question EVERYONE wants to know...especially Jaime and I! We're dying over here! It seemed like my pregnancy was flying by, but now that we're soooo close to FINALLY meeting her time seems to have slowed down drastically. Each week seems to take longer and longer. I really thought she would come out this week especially since I was so early but I guess she's working on her on schedule and telling us who boss already! Uh-oh! We're in trouble...she's already running the show and she's not even here yet! =D

I have an appt with my Dr. this afternoon so we'll find out what position she is in, how far dilated I am, and about how big she is. I'm very excited since that can give us a better idea of how much longer we'll have to wait. I must admit I have been trying to speed up the process a bit by drinking raspberry leaf tea (a recommendation from a few friends) although it worked for them unfortunately it hasn't done anything for me. Not one contraction...nothing! I think Madison might have inherited the Escay stubborn gene...just my luck! hahaha! So I just received a call from my Dr.'s office to come in early for my appt. I have to leave now so I'll let you know how it goes...

Ok, so we just got back and I found out that Madison is in the head down position BUT I'm not even dilated meaning she probably won't be here anytime soon. =( We'll be lucky if she comes out by my due date, but I have a feeling that she is going to be over due. That wasn't the news I was expecting or hoping to hear but what can you do. Apparently, she's just not ready to come out yet. She's nice in comfy in her oven. =) I guess the one good thing about her taking her time is that I'll be off from work longer. I would rather have her here though if it was my choice, but again we're on her schedule for now. Let's hope this isn't a sign of what our future holds. hahaha! Well I have another appt scheduled next Fri (my due date) to see what's going on. I'm praying we don't make it to that appt but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted!

39 weeks...

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