Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2 months already?!

Yes! That's right...Madison is now 2 months old! It seems like I was just carrying her in my belly and here she is...ham'n up the camera for her 2 month pictures. So crazy how time is flying. Before you know it I'll be going back to work...I'm sooo not looking forward to that one. =(

Anyway, a few days before taking her 2 month pictures Madison had her routine baby check up. Everything went well including her shots. I must say I was very uneasy about that part of the appt, but Madison did much better than I expected. She only cried for a second when the needle went in. As soon as the nurse removed the pressure from her leg she stopped. I was shocked! I think I cried more than she did. hahaha! Just kidding! I have to admit eyes welled up a bit but I held it together. I'm gonna blame that on the hormones. hahaha! Here are her stats from her checkup:

Weight: 11 lb 7 oz (69%)
Height: 23.5 in (90%)
Head Circumference: 38 cm (32%)
* Growth precentile is based on average for her age

Considering how chubby she looks she isn't as heavy as I thought she'd be. I guess it's just her cheeks that make her look so big. hahaha! As for her seems that she might be pretty tall just like her parents. Not sure what's up with her head though...seems a little small but the doctor didn't have an issue with it so I guess it's fine. She's not due for her next appt until she's 4 months. I'm curious to see what her stats will be then. I'll make sure to keep you posted.

So now for the cute part. heehee! =) Here are this months pictures. I love how the photographer was able to capture her huge laughing smile (her eyes disappear just like her daddy's...hahaha!). Ahhhh...I can't get enough of that face...I LOVE it!!!