Wednesday, November 3, 2010

4 months

Today Madison had her 4 month check up. Jaime and I were so curious to see how much she had grown since her last appointment 2 months ago. Just from looking at her we knew she'd grown a lot. She is definitely heavier and much taller too since her 3 month jammies are way too small now. We assumed she'd be atleast 15 lbs. but to our surprise she was just shy of that. Check out her stats below. Unfortunately, at this appointment she had to have another set of shots. Since she had to be undressed for her check up with her doctor we decided to leave her pants off and cover her with a blanket when we took her to get her shots. When the nurse was finally ready to give her the shots he asked us to remove the blanket. I must say his reaction was pretty hilarious! He couldn't believe how big her thighs were! If I recall correctly the first words out of his mouth were "Wow! I got some HAMMOCKS to work with!" hahaha!!! Jaime and I couldn't help but laugh. The nurse wasn't the only one that gets a kick out of her family is the same way! Everyone always wants to squeeze and bite them. Poor Madison! hahaha! Anyway, her pediatrician said everything looked good and she's nice and healthy (I think that's an understatement! hahaha!). Her next appointment will be when she turns 6 months which will be in Jan. Can you believe our baby girl will be a half of a year old?! Oh my how time is flying! For now here are her stats and 4 month pics.
Weight: 14 lb 13 oz (74%)
Height: 25 in (76%)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (40%)
* Growth precentile is based on average for her age

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