Friday, August 19, 2011

Just for fun!

For a couple weeks now my coworker (who is due 4 days after me) and I have been talking about trying IntelliGender (an over-the-counter test you can buy that supposedly determines the gender of your baby). At first we were a little skeptical and decide to just wait until we had our ultrasound appointments in a few weeks to find out, but then our curiousity got the best of us and we bit the bullet and each bought a test. We figured why would be fun to do it together and it will be interesting to see who's test is right or wrong. We know we can't really rely on the results so it would be purely for entertainment purposes.

So this morning was the big day...we both agreed to do it before work since it requires the use of your first morning urine. We text each other right away with our results. According to the test Jaime & I are having a baby...

My coworker got the same result...I already assumed hers was going to say boy, but I forsure thought mine would come out girl. It'll be interesting to see what the real results are at the end of the month.  I'm definitely not relying on this test, but it was a lot of fun to do...especially since I had someone doing it with me. I'll keep you all posted in a couple weeks to let you know if it was right or not.

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