Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm baaaack!!!!

I know it's been awhile since my last blog but A LOT has been going on since the new year started. Now that things seem to finally be settling down I'm trying my hardest to get back on track.

I guess I should start by catching up on what has happened in the last few months. The main reason why I fell off the blogging wagon was because our house got hit with a major cold bug in January...PNEUMONIA! Crazy right?! I know! First Madison was diagnosed with it (which by the way was so devastating) then I was a few days later. And to top it off Jaime found out he had bronchitis. Ohhh what a rough month it was! Trying to take care of a sick baby while being sick yourself is no bueno. Thank goodness my parents live close by, they were able to help me a lot when Jaime had to go back to work. It took awhile for all of us to fully recover but I am so thankful we did. Unfortunately, because of this we weren't able to take Madison to get her 6 month pictures. :( I know! I was so sad but I just didn't want to chance it and have her relapse. Of all months to miss it just happen to be her half birthday. Oh well...I guess we'll just make up for it during her 1st birthday pics. ;) I already have so many ideas...can't wait!

I forgot to mention that during all of that craziness we discovered that little Madiboo got her very 1st tooth! I was sooo surprised and excited! We had no idea it was coming since she was already have all the typical teething symptoms from the pneumonia. We didn't think that she may be teething at the same time. My poor baby! Considering how sick and uncomfortable she was, she was still such a good girl. She didn't fuss too much except when she had to take her meds. She didn't like the inhaler or the medication much but we had to give it to her so she could get better. I was so happy once she finished her treatments and I'm sure she was too! =)

Although she didn't have her 6 month pictures done we did make it in for her 7 month ones. Since it was February I thought I'd be alittle festive and dress her up for Valentine's day. Here she is with her new buddy...
 What a little chunkster! I heart my baby chubbs! ;)

Here's another one of her profile which I thought was so cute.
And here are a couple more I thought I'd share...
I had to save the best for last...her face is priceless! She is so over her photo shoot!. She has that look on her face like "Are we done yet mommy?!" hahaha! Gotta love her!!!

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