Friday, February 6, 2009


God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change...

I swear that prayer is the story of my life right now! First off, I just want to thank our family & friends for all the support & prayers through this difficult/challenging time in our lives. Unfortunately, life just isn't fair sometimes. I feel like no matter how hard I try to think positive things NEVER seem to go our way. I know God has a plan for us and that our prayers will be answered eventually but my patience is starting to run really thin. Life just isn't turning out the way I imagine it would but I'm trying to keep the faith & stay strong. I know God would never give us more than we could handle but I tend to doubt that from time to time. He's definitely testing us right now and I know I just need to stop with all the why me/us questions. I can only hope & pray that things will turn around for us soon & that we can finally have our one be parents! Ugh! Just the thought makes me soooo emotional. Let me take a minute to breath before the tears start falling.

Ah...ok...sorry! Let's switch it up a bit shall we...I didn't mean to get all emotional but I just can't help it sometimes. I guess I should try to look at the upside of marriage has changed a lot but for the better! I am sooo grateful to have such a wonderful husband going through this with me! Jaime has been very supportive and has been my rock to lean on. I don't know what I'd do without him! Whenever I'm down he's there to cheer me up & he always stays positive no matter what the outcome may be. I wish I could be more like him! One thing I know for sure is that this situation has definitely strengthened our marriage. I've heard people say when couples go through a trying time like this it can ruin their relationship. Lucky for us it's just the opposite! Even though we've been together for 10 years this is the closest we've ever been. Hopefully our prayers will be answered soon. I know it's all in God's hands and I need to leave it up to him!

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