Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday to my lil' cupcake!

Can you believe our little Madiboo is a 1 year old?!?! She is officially a TODDLER! Ahhhh...where did the time go?! My baby girl (or should I say toddler) is growing up so fast! She has had so many milestones in the last 12 months from rolling over to crawling to walking on her own! It's amazing!!! I am so proud of her!

Since we had a big celebration for her yesterday with all our family and friends. We decided to just hang out a home and relax before heading out for more fun tomorrow. Instead of going out to eat we just had our close family over for dinner. Now that Madison is one, I have become a lot more lenient with what I let her eat. It was definitely hard letting her dig into all the frosting yesterday but how could you was her 1st birthday and she seemed to be enjoying it so much. Here are a couple pictures I took of her birthday breakfast & lunch. Isn't she the cutest?!
And here she is cheesin' with all her presents..what a lucky girl! =)

Happy 1st Birthday Cupcake! Mommy & Daddy love you to the moon and back!!!

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