Tuesday, March 23, 2010

25 weeks

Alright here we are a little over the 6 month mark! I can't believe it...only 3-4 months to go! We recently made our first purchase for the baby's nursery, which was the matching dresser to the crib my parents bought us. I'm sooooo excited to set them up but we decide to wait until after we (or should I say Jaime) paints the room. We finally picked out the nursery colors which I must admit is completely different than what we originally planned. I didn't realize how hard it would be to pick a color to compliment the crib set we like. There are sooo many different shades of pink & purple out there! I think there's about 10 different colors on the wall right now! hahaha! I had the hardest time picking only because I didn't want the pink or purple to overwhelm the room. The bedding already has a lot of color in it so I didn't want to add too much more on the walls. We decided to go with a nice mauve shade on the bottom half & a greyish/beige on the top. The colors compliment each other well and I think (or atleast I hope) it'll look even better with the furniture and bedding. I'll have to post pictures once it's complete. I'm hoping to have the room painted & furniture assembled within the next few weeks but it all depends on Jaime's work schedule so we'll see how that goes. I'll keep you posted.

As for baby girl...she seems to be doing great! She is now about 13 1/2 inches and weighs approx 1 1/2 lbs. We just had our 4th prenatal check up last wed. According to the doctor everything looks good. She was very happy with the baby's strong heartbeat & didn't mention anything about my weight. Phew! I was a little worried since we just came back from a mini-vacay in Tahoe and all I did was EAT ALL WEEKEND!!! =) I'm still trying to stay on track with my weight gain but it's definitely getting harder! Some weeks are good and some are bad. I guess we'll have to wait & see how things turn out. I had my glucose test as well as other blood work done the same day. Thankfully the glucose test came back normal but unfortunately we found out that I am slightly anemic. I was a little worried at first but according to my doctor it's very common in pregnancy and all she requires is that I take an iron supplement everyday. Well I think that's about it for now. I'm going to try and get another page or so done in the baby's scrapbook that I finally started last Friday. I'll make sure to post pictures of that as well once it's complete. For now here is a picture of the crib bedding Jaime and I really like (we decided to go with a jungle theme since we already had some things to match) as well as my weekly bump pic. Baby girl and I are definitely growing!!! =)
 Nursery Set
25 weeks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jaime and Janelle, I have alot of things for the baby girl. It is so refreshing to hear you talk about the baby girl in your tummy. I am so excited for both of you and that new little girl. This is Grandma Debbie and my handsome youngest son is the father. I am glowing with pride. Can't wait to see HER Love you both Momma