Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here we go...

So for those of you who aren't already aware, I had to start the dreadful treatment of menopur which are the fertility INJECTIONS!!! Yes, I know...I'm sure the first thing that popped into your head is TWINS! Believe me it's come across my mind MANY times already. Though the more I think about it, the more comfortable I am with whatever happens. If that's what God has planned for us, we'll take it! We just want to be pregnant already! Sheesh!!!

So last night Jaime had to give me my first injection. Let me tell you...that was definitely an experience I won't forget! I think we were both freakin out about it! We were dreading the day it would come to this and unfortunately it has. It took us 20 minutes alone just to get everything prepared...sterilizing everything, prepping the needle, mixing the meds. I think we read the instructions 10 times just to make sure we were doing it right. Finally after all that it was time for the shot. I'm not sure who was more nervous me or Jaime. Since I HATE needles I had to turn away when he did it. The initial poke of the needle wasn't so bad but as he started to inject the med that's when my feelings changed! I couldn't wait for him to be done. It seemed like it was taking forever! I even kept asking him if he was done yet. The sensation I felt was nothing like I've experienced before. It's kinda hard to describe...I guess you can say it was more like a burning sensation than anything else. I thought it would go away as soon as he was done but unfortunately the feeling lasted for a little while. Ugh...the things you do to conceive! Hahaha! =) I know it'll all be worth it in the long run so I don't mind having to go through all of it.

We have 3 more nights to go then we see the Dr. on Sun for an ultrasound. He'll determine then whether we should proceed with the treatment or cancel and try again next month. It all depends on how my body reacts to the meds. I'm praying that it cooperates! I'll keep you all posted.

For now I thought I'd leave you with a picture of what my life will look like for the next 3 nights! =)

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