Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My first blog!!!

So...I've been contemplating for months now on whether I should start a blog. I know so many people that blog about their lives (which I love since it keeps me updated) but I just didn't think I had anything interesting to blog about so I figured why bother. Well...with some encouragement from family & friends I FINALLY decided to do it!

As most of you are aware Jaime & I have been struggling to start our own family for over a year now. People are always asking how everything is going so I figured I might as well blog about it to keep everyone updated. Unfortunately, we haven't had any luck yet but with the help of a fertility specialist we're hoping our dream will finally come true! So far we've gone through 2 rounds of treatment. We're currently on our 3rd attempt and hope to have good news soon! I'll make sure to keep you all posted. Until next time...happy blogging to you all!


chris said...

Yeah!! Welcome to the blogworld. : ). Lotsa luck and love coming your way!!

Val said...

I can't believe you finally started one!! Yeah!! As Chris said, Welcome to the blogworld!!

Best of luck to you guys!!