Thursday, March 17, 2011

8 big girl!

Ahhhh...where has the time gone?! I can't believe my little cupcake is already 8 months old. She is growing up waaaay too fast! Can someone please tell her to slow down?! It makes me sad to think how big she is getting...I already miss her being a baby. These days you'll find her chatting up a storm, sitting on her own, & trying to crawl. It's still hard to believe how old she is now. She is such a smart little (or should I say big) girl. People can't believe that she is only 8 months old. I guess since she is so tall they assume she is older. She didn't have an appt this month so we don't know how much she has grown, but I'm sure it's a lot. I went through her closet recently and packed away TONS of her smaller clothes. I can't believe how fast she's out grown most of them. Good thing summer is coming so I can just put her in a dress or shorts & not have to worry about them being too short.

I've noticed the older Madison gets the more her personality seems to really shine. She is so silly & funny...just like her daddy! I can't get enough of her! Check out her 8 month pictures...she is such a ham! I can't stop smiling everytime I look at them. Her Ninang Kristine says her smile is contagious and I think she's really is! =)
My silly 8 month old!
Sooo big!!!
♥ My Harajuku lover ♥
She LOVES her puffs! ;)

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