Monday, October 11, 2010

3 months...a quarter of the way!

Here she is...3 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Can you?! Our little cupcake or should I say cow is a quarter of a year old. I wish time would slow down a little bit since I can't seem to get enough of her! I never really knew how much my life would change once Madison was born...I must say sleep is a hot commodity these days. hahaha! I wouldn't change a thing though. I can be in the worst mood but as soon as I look at her cute little face nothing else matters. My heart melts and I could careless as to whatever I was stressed or annoyed at. Don't get me wrong...motherhood isn't easy but it's definitely worth it!

Now that Madison is 3 months old Jaime and I have noticed she's changed a lot. She's getting so much stronger. She lifts her head up so high and she loves to stand up. I think she prefers that over sitting. We've also learned she loves to watch tv. I think the colors intrigue her. We try not to let her watch too much though...we don't want her to turn into a tv head. Since she didn't have an appt this month I'm not really sure how much she weighs or how tall she is. Guess well find out next month. Here are her 3 month pics!

Our JUICY baby! =D
Happy Halloween!

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