Did someone say Party of Four?! Yes, you read that right I said FOUR not three! For those of you who don't already know...Madison is going to be a BIG sister! Crazy right?! We thought so too! heehee! We are expecting baby Antoque #2 to arrive at the end of January next year. My estimated due date is 1.26.12. We are all very excited and still in shock! As some of you may know I had a very hard time getting pregnant with Madison. It was a looong 2 year roller coaster that I assumed we'd have to go through again when we decided to have baby #2, but to our surprise we were pregnant without even trying! Jaime and I had talked about expanding our family eventually and figure it may take awhile so we were going to start "trying" towards the end of this year. I thought that we wouldn't get pregnant til atleast the middle of next year if we were lucky...boy was I wrong! hahaha!
So I started to notice back in May that I was feeling a little more tired then usual and my body was feeling a little different. I didn't think much of it since there was so much going on at the time but as time went on I noticed it more and more. The thought crossed my mind at one point that I might be pregnant, but then I brushed it off thinking it was impossible due to my history. A couple weeks later I decided to take a test just to be on the safe side since I was a few days late (which is normal for me since I've always been irregular). I took the test and to my surprise 2 lines appeared! I was in complete SHOCK!!! I really thought it would come out negative but I was totally wrong! I wanted to wake Jaime up to tell him the great news, but I thought of a better way to tell him so I kept it to myself (which btw...was the hardest thing to do!).
Jaime and I were both off work that day so I ran a couple errands while he hung out at home with Madison. While out I wanted to pick up a shirt for Madison that said "big sister". To my surprise I couldn't find one in her size. I guess it isn't that common to have siblings so close in age (Madison will be 18 months when baby #2 is born) the smallest size they had was 2T. Since I couldn't find anything I had to improvise a make my own shirt for her. When I got home I hurried upstairs to put everything together. After I finished I told Jaime I wanted to show him this cute new shirt I bought for Madison. I put the shirt on her then showed it to him. It took him a minute to realize what was going on, but when he did he was so excited and couldn't believe it. Here are a couple pictures that I took...
Madison and Daddy |
Someone is excited to be a BIG sister! =) |
Here is a closer look at her shirt. You know I HAD to add the cupcake! ;) |
I am now 16 weeks along. During the first trimester I was feeling VERY tired (more so this time than with Madison) and very nauseous. I even had to run to the bathroom a few times from being so sick...that never happened before. It was not fun! My symptoms are definitely different this time around. I'm hoping that's a sign that she may be having a baby brother, but I'm not getting my hopes up. In a way I'd be happy if she had a baby sister since they would be so close in age. I keep going back and forth...at this point I'm just excited that she is going to be having a sibling so soon! =) Never in our wildest dreams did we think this would happen. We feel sooo blessed! We just pray for a healthy baby no matter if it's a boy or a girl. The good news is we won't have to wait much longer. We find out what we're having in 2 1/2 weeks. I'll be a little over 18 weeks by then which is a surprise since last time I had to wait until I was 20 weeks to find out. I'll make sure to keep you all posted. For now here is a picture of our little peanut's first ultrasound and of course "the bump". I had to do a comparison picture from my 1st pregnancy just so you can see how much faster I've grown this time around. They're not joking when they say you show sooner...yikes!
Baby Antoque #2 @ 8 weeks & 4 days |
Left: with Madison Right: with baby #2 |