Sunday, April 24, 2011

An EGGSellent day!

Today was a very important day...not only did Jesus rise from the dead after dying on the cross for our sins but it was also Madison's 1st Easter! We started off our day by going to church and later went to grandma & grandpa's house with the rest of the family for lunch and of course an easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, daddy had to work day shift, but he met us there right after. Here are a few pictures from our wonderful day. Madison had a great time and can't wait until next year! Happy Easter everyone!
Someone must have been good...look what the Easter Bunny left her.
She was so excited! Love that smile!
Mommy & Madison
Basket #2 from Auntie No Rules
Cake pops made by Kaila & I

Basket #5 from Ninang Sarah
My lil' Easter Bunny

It's the simple things like Easter grass that make them happy. 
Egg hunting time!
Checking out their goodies

One last basket before bed. Thank you Grandma Debbie!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

9 months...such a happy baby!

Today we took our little Madiboo to have her 9 month pictures taken. I can't believe how big she is getting! She's crawling all over the place, pulls herself up to stand (she can even stand up on her own in the middle of the floor), and is slowly "cruising" around the furniture. A lot of people think she is going to walk early especially since she's practically running around grandma's house in her walker. hahaha!!! My dad thinks she'll be walking before our vacation in June...we'll see if he's right.

Anyway, here is our little monster ham'n it up again...

Madison is so silly and such a happy baby! Seems like everytime we go out someone says it...must be because she smiles all the time and goes to just about anyone. Not only is she so happy, but she's also a smart lil' cookie. She knows how to put the phone up to her ear and when you put the iPad in front of her she knows to touch the screen with her pointer's so funny! I guess she's tech savvy...once again just like her daddy! =) I forgot to mention she had her 9 month check up a couple days ago. Here are her current growth stats.
Weight: 19 lb 15 oz (69%)
Height: 28.5 in (80%)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (60%)
* Growth precentile is based on average for her age

Her next appointment will be for her one year check up. I know...1 year already! Can you believe it?! I'm curious to see how big she'll be by then. I'm sure the next 3 months will fly by just like the last 9 have. =( As much as I love her at the age she is now, I already miss her being a baby. Is that crazy? *sigh* Oh well...I guess I'll just have to wait til the next one...who knows when that will be. ;)

Monday, April 11, 2011

The celebration continues...

Since Jaime and I were still off from work and the weather was so nice, we decided to continue our anniversary celebration...what better way to do that than enjoying one of our favorite pastimes...snowboarding! Jaime & I weren't sure how the snow was going to be since it was April and there hasn't been a storm in the last couple days, but I guess since it's been such a gnarly winter season it didn't matter. The snow was PERFECT and there was plenty of it! We couldn't have asked for a better day...we had such an awesome time. Here are some pictures of our great day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Celebrating another one...6 years strong!

Today Jaime and I are celebrating our 6 year anniversary. Can you believe it?! 6 years already! Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday we were dancing the night away at our reception. Crazy how time flies these days! Since we have a new addition to the family this year...our little Madison ;)...we chose to do something local and took a drive to Half Moon Bay. Jaime had never been there before and it had been years since I've been there so we decided to take a mini road trip. The 3 of us ended up having a great time despite the cool weather. Here are a few pictures from our fun filled day.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Where you going???

So daddy was taking care of the princess today and sent me this video while I was at work. It totally made my day and  I can't stop watching it! Makes me laugh & smile every time so I thought I'd share. Thanks daddy!

WARNING: Watching this video may cause uncontrollable giggles. ;)