Today we took our little Madiboo to have her 9 month pictures taken. I can't believe how big she is getting! She's crawling all over the place, pulls herself up to stand (she can even stand up on her own in the middle of the floor), and is slowly "cruising" around the furniture. A lot of people think she is going to walk early especially since she's practically running around grandma's house in her walker. hahaha!!! My dad thinks she'll be walking before our vacation in June...we'll see if he's right.
Anyway, here is our little monster ham'n it up again...
Madison is so silly and such a happy baby! Seems like everytime we go out someone says it...must be because she smiles all the time and goes to just about anyone. Not only is she so happy, but she's also a smart lil' cookie. She knows how to put the phone up to her ear and when you put the iPad in front of her she knows to touch the screen with her pointer's so funny! I guess she's tech savvy...once again just like her daddy! =) I forgot to mention she had her 9 month check up a couple days ago. Here are her current growth stats.
Weight: 19 lb 15 oz (69%)
Height: 28.5 in (80%)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (60%)
* Growth precentile is based on average for her age
Her next appointment will be for her one year check up. I know...1 year already! Can you believe it?! I'm curious to see how big she'll be by then. I'm sure the next 3 months will fly by just like the last 9 have. =( As much as I love her at the age she is now, I already miss her being a baby. Is that crazy? *sigh* Oh well...I guess I'll just have to wait til the next one...who knows when that will be. ;)