Friday, June 25, 2010

39 weeks...when do we get to meet her?

That is the question EVERYONE wants to know...especially Jaime and I! We're dying over here! It seemed like my pregnancy was flying by, but now that we're soooo close to FINALLY meeting her time seems to have slowed down drastically. Each week seems to take longer and longer. I really thought she would come out this week especially since I was so early but I guess she's working on her on schedule and telling us who boss already! Uh-oh! We're in trouble...she's already running the show and she's not even here yet! =D

I have an appt with my Dr. this afternoon so we'll find out what position she is in, how far dilated I am, and about how big she is. I'm very excited since that can give us a better idea of how much longer we'll have to wait. I must admit I have been trying to speed up the process a bit by drinking raspberry leaf tea (a recommendation from a few friends) although it worked for them unfortunately it hasn't done anything for me. Not one contraction...nothing! I think Madison might have inherited the Escay stubborn gene...just my luck! hahaha! So I just received a call from my Dr.'s office to come in early for my appt. I have to leave now so I'll let you know how it goes...

Ok, so we just got back and I found out that Madison is in the head down position BUT I'm not even dilated meaning she probably won't be here anytime soon. =( We'll be lucky if she comes out by my due date, but I have a feeling that she is going to be over due. That wasn't the news I was expecting or hoping to hear but what can you do. Apparently, she's just not ready to come out yet. She's nice in comfy in her oven. =) I guess the one good thing about her taking her time is that I'll be off from work longer. I would rather have her here though if it was my choice, but again we're on her schedule for now. Let's hope this isn't a sign of what our future holds. hahaha! Well I have another appt scheduled next Fri (my due date) to see what's going on. I'm praying we don't make it to that appt but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted!

39 weeks...

Friday, June 18, 2010

38 weeks...she's still baking! =)

Here we are at 38 weeks...I'm starting to get very anxious as to when our little cupcake will make her debut. Apparently, she's not following in my foot steps by coming out 3 weeks early which is a good me more time to rest & relax before she gets here. As much as I want to meet her I know I should be enjoying every second of down time that I have. Everyone keeps telling me enjoy it will I can because once she gets here it's a whole different ball game.

Not much has changed with me since last week...still having some back pain & fatigue of course. I take a nap almost's crazy! There's always so much I want to do, but I just can't get myself to do it all since I get exhausted so easily. I try to walk as often as possible but it doesn't always work out. I know if I walked more that would probably help Madison get here sooner. Hopefully she doesn't wait too much longer. I appreciate her giving me some time but I think I'm ready to meet her now! =)

Here we are at 38 weeks...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maternity Session with MRS Photography I'm a little late on posting this one, but just about 2 months ago we had a maternity photo session with MRS photography. Michelle, the photographer, is a friend of ours who has her own photography business. We've seen the work she has done for others and knew when our time came we wanted her to do our maternity shoot. We had such a great time during our session (sometimes I think a little too much! hahaha!) and all the pictures turned out great! We had the hardest time choosing which ones we liked best since there were so many. Here are a few of our favorites that I thought I would share!
MRS Photography

*Feel free to contact me if you would like info for MRS Photography.

Friday, June 11, 2010

37 weeks...and the countdown begins!

So today we are 37 weeks along and considered full term. Meaning our little princess can come ANY DAY now! Ahhh...I'm sooo excited and nervous at the same time! They say she should weigh around 6 1/3 pounds and measure a little over 19 inches. From now on she should also be gaining about half an ounce a day which is probably why I'm starting to feel more aches and pains. Luckily I'm not having too many issues sleeping through the night, but when I wake up in the morning my entire back is killing me. I assume it's from all the weight in my belly but who knows. I've kind of given up on watching what I eat since we're so close to the end and my weight gain isn't too bad. I figure I might as well enjoy eating now since it'll be a whole different story once Madison arrives.

It still feels so surreal that we're so close to meeting her...the suspense is killing me! I just want to know when she'll be here. Every little ache and pain that I feel in my stomach makes me stop and think "Is it time?" but then nothing. I'm not even sure if I know what a contraction feels like. The doctor explained it to me but since this is my first pregnancy I'm still unsure. I thought I would a least feel some Braxton Hicks contractions but I haven't notice anything. I get a pain/cramp every once in awhile but it doesn't last very long. They say when a real one comes I'll know so we'll just have to wait and see I guess. I'm hoping Jaime will be home when they start. It's really not a big deal if he isn't since they want me to labor at home during the early stages, but it still would be nice to have him here when they do. He's now driving separately to work instead of carpooling since we don't know when I'll go into labor. It's all just a waiting game at this point...

So..I've only been on maternity leave for a week and I hate to admit that I'm actually a little bored. Can you believe it?! I didn't think that would ever happen! I guess it's because I've spent most of my time at home which I'm still trying to get use to. I rest as much as possible as well as make sure I have everything prepared for when baby girl decides to come. I FINALLY packed my hospital bag the other day which made Jaime happy. He's been bugging me about it for a while now. I assume it's because I was 3 weeks early and he is afraid Madison might be as well. I guess I should really enjoy all the down time now since my world can change any day now. I know it'll all be worth it so I'm ready! =)
I think that's about it for now...we'll have to see if I make it til next week. I'll keep you all posted! Here's our 37 week bump pic.

37 weeks

Friday, June 4, 2010

36 weeks!

I'm 9 months today and officially on maternity leave after 5pm! Woohooo!!! I can't believe how fast time has flown in the last few weeks. I'm starting to get a little nervous about the delivery but I'm trying to stay positive about everything...I know it'll all be worth it in the long run. I can only hope my delivery is as quick and easy as my sister's was. All of hers were only 2-4 hrs and she didn't use an epidural on any of them. I doubt I'll be that lucky but I can wish right! =)

So things have been going ok so far. My belly is still growing everyday but my family & I have noticed that it's dropped a little which I guess is a good thing. As much as I want her to come out when she is suppose to a part of me wants her to come out sooner for a few reasons. One...we are sooo excited and can't wait to meet her and two...I'm a little tired of all the extra weight I'm carrying around not to mention a HUGE belly getting in my way. hahaha! Sometimes I forget about it and realize after I try to do something that my body just isn't the same right now. I can't move as fast as I use to especially when it comes to getting out of bed or off the couch. Jaime finds it pretty funny but is very quick to help me out when I need it. I'm so lucky to have him! He has been soooo good to me throughout this journey! I couldn't ask for anything more! He's always trying to do as much as possible just so I can rest. Thank goodness he likes to clean! I think he's the one going through the nesting stage! j/k! =)

Speaking of nesting...I think it's finally starting to set in. Well, atleast when it comes to preping for Madison's arrival. The nursery is just about ready...we're just waiting for the rocking chair we ordered. Her closet is all organized by color & size and the necessary items (like the pack & play, swing, & co-sleeper) are up and ready to go. I already did a load of laundry and everything is hung in the closet or folded neatly in her dresser. BTW, I have to share that I LOVE the scent of her detergent! It smells soooo good! What more when it combines with her baby smell. Ahhhh...I can't wait!!! I have one last item on my to do list which is pack my hospital bag. I know I've been slackin on that one so I better get to it. Jaime and my mom remind me all the time about it.  I figure since my maternity leave starts next week I can finally get it done then. Now that we're getting so much closer I'll try to update you all more often. For now here is our latest bump pic.
36 weeks...