Can you believe it!?! We're already at the half way point...20 weeks down and 20 to go! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! Next thing we know baby Antoque will be here!!! Since starting the second trimester everything has been going very well. The nausea and headaches subsided and I finally have some energy to cook again. I'm sure that made Jaime happy! hahaha! Just recently I noticed I've been having minor back aches but I found out that it's normal and it's from my uterus expanding and the baby growing. He/she is now the size of a banana & weighs about 10 1/2 ounces. That may not seem like much but I can definitely tell the difference in my stomach. I actually look pregnant now! Woohoo! No more beer belly! It still feels so surreal that this is even happening! I'm enjoying every minute of it and trying to soak it all in.
Today not only marks the half way point for us but we also found out the sex of the baby during our ultrasound appt. I felt so anxious waiting to be called in. After going back and forth for months I was so sure now that we were having a boy and just wanted confirmation. Before Laura, the radiology tech, could tell us anything she had to take 60 pics for my doctor to make sure everything was ok with the baby. It seemed to take forever especially since the baby kept moving, which by the way was sooo amazing to see. We definitely have a little wiggle worm on our hands! =) The tech took pics of the baby's brain, heart, spine, etc. While trying to get all the pictures she needed she would occasionally focus on the baby's lower body and that's when I realized I was wrong! Before I even said what I was thinking I asked Jaime his opinion and sure enough he thought the same thing. So by the time Laura got around to tell us what we were having Jaime & I already knew...It's a GIRL!!! I guess a mother's instinct isn't always right (atleast in this case). Although we're not having what I expected we are still soooo very happy! All we ever prayed for is a healthy baby and the fact that we've made it this far is such a blessing. Here are a few images that we were given of our little princess along with the latest bump pic.